LALA fits the priorities set for Latin American inside the Erasmus+ project call for Capacity Building, which is “Improving management and operation of higher educational Institutions”. More specifically, this project seeks to build local capacity in Latin American HEIs to design and implement Learning Analytic tools to create and improve “Quality Assurance processes and mechanisms”. The field of Learning Analytics and Academic Analytics has developed considerably during the last year in European HEIs. Through the use of Learning Analytics tools, the management of Universities and Academic programs in Europe has been modernized. In Latin American, there is a lack of local capacity to design and build this specialized tools that could be used to improve HEIs administration. Currently, most decisions in the academic settings in Latin America HEIs are based on preconceptions or feelings. If data is used, it is in the form of database reports that only provide the most basic level of information. Due to the last decade modernization of academic systems, in most Latin America HEIs there is a large amount of data being produced every day, but this data is usually ignored. This project seeks to modernize the academic decision making process through building local capacity to create Learning Analytics to support decision makers at different levels in Latin American HEIs.
- Partners: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (coordinator), KU Leuven, University of Edinburgh, ESPOL, Universidad de Cuenca, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad Austral de Chile.
- Duration: 2017-2021.
- Project id: 586120-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP