eMadrid 2

eMadrid. Investigación y desarrollo de Tecnologías Educativas en la Comunidad de Madrid
The eMadrid Network is a project funded by the Government of the Region of Madrid, which promotes research and development of technologies to support learning (Technology-Enhanced Learning), including research lines such as: 1) Learning Analytics , Assessment, 2) Open Content (OER, Open Data , Open Science), 3) Remote, virtual , IoT labs, 4) Serious games, gamification , simulations, 5) Ubiquity, mobility , mixed reality (AR/VR), 6) MOOCs ,SPOCs and LMSs, 7) Smart learning environments, AI, 8) Educational methodologies, digital competencies , computational thinking.
- Partners: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (coordinator), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, UNED, with other universities, companies as associated entities.
- Duration: 2014-2018
- Project id: S2013/ICE-2715