ECOCredGT (Towards an ecosystem of digital credentials to strengthen job creation actions – Hacia un ecosistema de credenciales digitales para el fortalecimiento de las acciones para generación de empleo) aims to build capacities in Vocational Education and Training (VET) Institutions towards the creation of an ecosystem of Digital Credentials. This ecosystem of Digital Credentials is expected to have a positive impact on the promotion of employability. The capacity building generated thanks to ECOCredGT will strengthen the basis for exploring the future issuance of Digital Credentials for undergraduate and graduate degrees in a validated ecosystem with international recognition and interoperability.
ECOCredGT is implemented mainly in Guatemala with the support of European partners from Spain and Austria. As such EcoCredGT will establish a National Model of Digital Credentials thanks to the cooperation between Guatemalan and European partners. The action seeks to promote digital transformation in the region by establishing a national center in Guatemala for issuing Digital Credentials. The project seeks to be a benchmark and establish a replicable model in other countries in the region.
The specific objectives of ECOCredGT are:
– To contribute to capacity building in VET Institutions towards a digital transformation
– To build a digital credential issuing center model replicable to other VET institutions
– To conduct pilot projects for vocational and professional micro-courses that promote employability
– To generate a link between VET and society, through a process of raising awareness of the importance of digital credentials and updating training plans for professionals to meet the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution
– To create an observatory of digital credential issuing centers to generate a community to share best practices, success stories and training in the region
In the short term, the project seeks to promote employability in the countries of the region by raising awareness on the proper use of Digital Credentials. It also seeks to identify the perception of recruiting agencies and human resources specialists on Digital Credentials.
- Duration: 2024-2027.
- Project id: 101129122 – GAP