E-LANE (European-Latin American New Education) is a project funded by the @LIS programme. @LIS is a programme of the European Commission whose main objective is to reinforce the partnership between the European Union and Latin America in the field of the Information Society. The demonstration projects in this programme aim at showing the benefits and the advantages of the Information Society for all citizens, in four thematic sectors: e-Education, e-Inclusion, e-Governance and e-Health. E-LANE was one of the projects in the e-Education sector. The E-LANE project focuses its research and development activities on the production and teaching of a collection of courses through open source e-learning technologies. The courses are developed and deployed on an open source platform based on both the integration of solid e-learning applications and the development of new up-to-date e-learning tools and libraries. The production of the courses is based on innovative teaching methodologies that are flexible enough to capture the richness of an e-learning environment. The combination of an advanced open source e-learning platform and innovative methodologies allows the E-LANE project to maximise its impact, both at the academic and the non-academic training level and to promote a solid environment for digital literacy and long life learning in the Information Society of the future. In more detail, the E-LANE project is based on the following three main aspects: 1) The integration, customisation and extension of solid open source e-learning applications in order to build an enhanced LMS; 2) The definition and development of a new and fully tailored methodology for course design, development and validation; 3) The creation and dissemination of courses using this methodology and deployable in the developed LMS.
- Partners: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Telefónica I+D, INT, U Reading, Trinity College, Universidad Galileo, ITESM, Universidad del Cauca, Universidad de Chile, and University Brasilia.
- Duration: 2003-2007
- Project id: ALA/2002/48-264/2082