The COMPETEN-SEA project is a Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) project funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission.The main objective of the COMPETEN-SEA project is to enable best South-East Asian Universities to develop a new kind of accessible, affordable, high quality and effective educational services to various groups of population now excluded from traditional educational outreach. The MOOC technology was chosen as the tool most promising and suitable for the region with its particular characteristics (growing population dispersed across thousands islands and separated by thousands of kilometres, extremely high growth of ICT penetration enabling modern ICT-based education, world-class academic staff in best local Universities, etc.). The first attempts to develop local MOOCs confirm the demand and impact, as well as the challenge. The European capacities, technologies and experiences can and shall help to meet those technological and pedagogical challenges faced by local Universities. The project capacity building efforts will include activities aimed at training local University pedagogical and technical staff to design, develop and deliver MOOC-based educational interventions. Additionally, it will reinforce the developed capacities and demonstrate the impact via the pilot development and validation of local MOOCs for several underprivileged target groups.
- Partners: Open University of the Netherlands (coordinator), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Saarland University, GIRAF PM e.k., Ateneo de Manila, University of the Philippines Systems, Univeristi Sains Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Sam Ratulangi
- Duration: 2016-2019
- Project id: 574212-EPP-1-2016-1-NL-EPPKA2- CBHE-JP