Adaptation of learning scenarios in the LRN platform based on Contextualized Attention Metadata (CAM)

This project aims to combine semantic web technologies with Contextual Attention Metadata (CAM) to enable personalization and adaptation in Learning Management Systems (LMSs). CAM allows to capture and analyze observations that describe the learner’s activities. The semantic web allows the use of extended data from the web, integration with other business processes, rule and data reuse, etc. Using the .LRN as a testbed, which is supported by a very active community of users world-wide, we will conduct several experiments to make improvements in personalization by combining CAM based analysis and recommendation with learning resource descriptions. .LRN enables us to observe learner activities regarding learning resource acquisition, appointment managements, blog and wiki activity, assessment, assignments and evaluation of and within courses. Integrating technology developed at Fraunhofer FIT and Univ. Carlos III, the .LRN environment will be extended with new personalization and adaptation features.
- Partners: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (coordinator) and Fraunhofer Institute of Technology
- Duration: 2010-2011
- Project id: DE2009-0051