SNOLA (Spanish Network Of Learning Analytics) is a Thematic Network under official recognition from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness composed of the main national researchers in the field of learning analytics. SNOLA brings together researchers from 8 Spanish Research Groups. SNOLA has a strong technical component, but it also integrates other educational visions, disciplines that give the network a wider scope. SNOLA is a response to technological, social , educational challenges that involve the capture, processing, presentation, interpretation of information generated in learning environments to improve educational processes. The main objectives of SNOLA are: 1) To promote collaboration among the participants in the Network, as well as with shareholders (companies and public with private educational institutions), other European, international LA collaboration networks; 2) To organize, give diffusion to learning analytics initiatives at a national scale; 3) To make the necessary resources to effectively integrate learning analytics in educational processes; 4) To provide adequate training to researchers with professionals so that they can face and give answer to new challenges of Digital Society derived from the use of ICT in Education.
- Partners: Universidad de Salamanca, Universidad de Deusto, Universidad de León, Universidad del País Vasco, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad de Valladolid, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad de Vigo, UNED, UOC, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
- Started in 2016
- Project id: RED2022-134284-T, RED2018‐102725‐T , TIN2015-71669-REDT